Children…. Keeping yourself safe online.
CEOP’s Thinkuknow Cybercafé for Key Stage 2 pupils
The Thinkuknow Cybercafé for Key Stage 2 pupils has been developed by CEOP, together with Becta and the Internet Proficiency Group. It aims to develop a set of safe and discriminating behaviours for pupils to adopt when using the internet and other technologies.
Hosted on the www.thinkuknow.co.uk website, the scheme consists of an interactive resource, called CyberCafe, and a teachers’ pack consisting of teaching activities, pupils’ worksheets and advice and information for teachers on internet safety.
CBBC – Stay Safe
CBBC’s Stay Safe website invites children to join Dongle the rabbit in learning how to stay safe on the web. The site features a cartoon and quiz, along with a screensaver and wallpaper giving tips on safe surfing. Visitors to the site can also print out Dongle’s factsheet reinforcing the SMART rules, which have been adapted to give advice on mobile phone use also.
The site links to the BBC ChatGuide website and to several of the organisations providing advice and support to young people, such as Think U Know, Kidsmart and NCH.
Bullying Online
Bullying Online is an online help and advice service combating all forms of bullying. Sections for pupils, parents and schools cover the subject of cyberbullying, with advice on topics including:
• dangerous websites
- abusive websites.
hHow to stay safe on the internet mobile phone bullying and happy slapping
Bullying Online also provides an email service for pupils in need of further help and advice.
FKBKO – For Kids By Kids Online
FKBKO provides a range of e-safety information for children and young people, covering:
- the web
- chat
- viruses
- peer2peer
- mobiles
Topics under each section are typically categorised by ‘beginner’, ‘intermediate’ and ‘advanced’.
The ‘HQ’ section also provides some useful background information on topics such as:
- How does the internet work?
- How is my computer identified?
- Am I invisible on the internet?
- Who is in charge of IP addresses?
Childnet International’s Kidsmart website has a section for young people under the age of 11, dealing with mobiles, surfing, chat and file-sharing.
The site also includes games, competitions and a gallery of young people’s artwork on how to stay safe online.
The website reinforces the SMART rules and has additional sections for teachers, and parents and carers.
Hector’s WorldTM
Hector Protector® – a bottlenose dolphin – and his underwater friends aim to help children aged 3–10 stay safe in cyberspace in Hector’s World. This resource comes from NetSafe® – the cyber safety education programme of New Zealand’s Internet Safety Group – but the general safety messages still hold for a UK audience.
Animated episodes help children learn about online safety.
A key feature of the resource is the Hector safety button. Once downloaded, Hector can swim alongside children (in a corner of their computer screen) as they surf the internet using Internet Explorer or communicate with others using Outlook or Outlook Express. A child who is upset or worried about an image on the screen can click on Hector.
An underwater scene then covers the screen and a reassuring message is displayed saying that the child has done the right thing and can now get adult help. The Hector safety button can be downloaded from the Microsoft New Zealand website [http://www.microsoft.com/nz/athome/ security/children/hector.mspx].
Smart Surfers
Smart Surfers is a web-based resource for Key Stage 2, developed to aid the teaching of critical skills for information searching and staying safe on the web.
The resource focuses on three main areas:
• Smart searching: enables children to gain a comprehensive understanding of the range of issues and technologies involved in searching for information. It introduces the basic elements of the language and grammar of the internet, and gives children the tools and strategies to help them develop essential skills in searching and managing the information they receive.
• Real information: develops the skills to help children identify misleading or harmful information that they come across. Information literacy skills empower pupils to think critically about website information and how they use the web.
• Staying safe: encourages safe, responsible and appropriate behaviour, looking at sharing personal information, passwords, viruses, copyright and plagiarism, trusting people and sites, protecting your data, and correct netiquette.
Netty’s World
Netty’s World helps young children, aged 2–7, learn about internet safety through a range of fun, interactive activities. It has been developed by NetAlert – Australia’s Internet Safety Advisory Body – but the general safety messages still hold for a UK audience.
The main learning tool is Netty’s net adventure, in which Netty travels through a number of adventures similar to those that young children are likely to encounter on the internet. Each adventure includes three levels, of increasing complexity, each of which raise issues which will prompt discussion on important internet safety topics.
Topics covered include:
• exploring the net
• getting things off the net
• using smart phones
• putting work on the net
• making friends on the net
All of the activities reinforce ‘Netty’s five forget-me- not’s’ – important safety messages specifically developed for a younger audience:
• Get help
• Be nice
• Think again
• Stay safe and secure
• Protect what’s private.