School Uniform
*Our full School Uniform Policy can be downloaded clicking the link at the bottom of this page*
We are incredibly proud of our school and we want our pupils to be proud to wear the uniform which identifies them to Lever House Primary School. We feel that a smart, tidy uniform gives them a common identity and sense of belonging and lets people know that they are serious about our school and our learning - we take pride in belonging to our school and are ready to learn.
However, we recognise that the cost of a school uniform should not deter people from wanting to attend a school. Because of this, the uniform we have chosen can be purchased locally with a logo, but the logo is not compulsory. The same uniform is also widely available in high street shops and major supermarkets without the logo.
The school uniform (with the school logo) is available to be purchased from
Impressions Uniform, 250 Leyland Lane, Leyland.
However, the school logo is not compulsory and uniform items without the logo may be purchased more cheaply from major stores.
School Uniform
We believe that our children’s uniform should allow them to:-
- maximise their learning
- be comfortable
- be safe
- be instantly recognised as a Lever House pupil
- give them a collective identity
- remain to be viewed as children and not be seen as a fashion statement
Therefore, the children are asked to wear the following school uniform, all year:
- White polo shirt or plain white shirt (not a fancy blouse)
- Red school sweatshirt or cardigan (with or without the school logo)
- Grey trousers or shorts
- Grey skirt / pinafore
- Black shoes
- Plain Black or Grey or White Socks/Tights
- Coat (suitable for the weather at the time)
- KS2 children (Yrs 3-6) may bring in trainers for playtime that can be worn outside.
- School fleeces are also available, but are not compulsory items.
Warmer weather:
- Pupils may wear a red and white gingham dress
- Sun hat or cap (Lever House caps available from the school office)
Reading bags are compulsory for all children in EYFS & KS1and KS2 as there is no space for larger bags or rucksacks in the cloakrooms. If children are bringing kits or spare trainers, they must be in soft drawstring bags, not rucksacks for storage purposes. Children must bring a clear, plastic water bottle with them daily.
Physical Education
Our P.E. kit is practical, affordable, comfortable and appropriate to the activities pupils are asked to undertake.
The following P.E. Kit is required by all children:
- Red t-shirt (preferably with logo)
- Red School Hoodie (with logo)
- Black shorts (mid-thigh to knee-length; no shorter)
- Trainers suitable for sports, must fasten securely with laces or velcro and must not their school shoes.
For outdoor sessions in KS2
- Red t-shirt (preferably with logo)
- Red School Hoodie (with logo)
- Black leggings or jogging bottoms
- Trainers suitable for sport (must fasten securely with laces or velcro and must not their school shoes.
We require this kit to be in school at all times for EYFS and worn on allocated PE days for the rest of school.
During the Summer Term of Year 4 and Autumn and Spring Terms in Year 5, the children have swimming lessons at Leyland Leisure Centre once a week.
- The girls are required to wear a one-piece swimsuit
- The boys are required to wear trunks or shorts (that are above the knee in length).
- Swimming caps are compulsory for all children
Forest School:
For Forest school sessions it is useful for the children to have the following items in school:
- Warm, waterproof coat
- Wellies
- Waterproof trousers
- Hat, scarf and gloves in colder months.
It is essential that every item of clothing is marked with your child’s name.
Please note: this may need re-marking during the year.
*School kit is provided for those children chosen to represent the school in a team at a competition*
Jewellery and Haircuts
We pride ourselves on all the pupils at Lever House always looking smart and ready to learn, and we work closely with our parents to keep our standards high.
No jewellery is allowed in school except for 1 pair of plain earring studs. These must be removed for physical activity before they come to school on PE and swimming days. We therefore ask that you only have your child’s ears pierced at the beginning of the summer break.
We ask that all hair that is shoulder-length or longer is tied back every day for school.
We also ask that short hair does not have tram lines put in and we do not allow children to have dyed hair in school. We understand that children may wish to cut or style their hair according to trends. However, we ask that hair during term time is kept in a traditional style. Excessive products and styling are not appropriate for the school day and can distract from learning. We ask children to refrain from using products where they are not necessary (for example spikes).
Mobile phones
Mobile phones should not be brought to school. The exception to this only applies when children are in Year 5 or 6 and have parental permission to walk or cycle to school on their own. Under these circumstances, the phones will be kept securely until the end of the school day.
Smart watches
No smart watches are allowed at school as these are a distraction to learning and follow same advice as mobile phones. We like to promote analogue wrist watches as this is an important numeracy and life skill to learn.
Breaching uniform policy
We always try to work very closely with families to minimise problems.
If your child does not wear the correct uniform or waivers from the uniform policy, we will contact parents / carers in the first instance in order to rectify the problem.
If the problem re-occurs, the school will consider more formal consequences, including the possible removal of your child from their usual class. If we feel that the pupil's disregard of uniform policy is persistent and defiant, then this may result in a fixed-term exclusion from the school.
We will always be considerate if a pupil has problems keeping to the uniform policy, and try to find out why this is happening. If a family is having financial difficulties, we will allow for this and give the parents/carers reasonable time to buy the right items. We would never allow pupils to feel uncomfortable, nor discriminated against, because their parents cannot provide them with the right school uniform.
Human rights and anti-discrimination issues
While pupils must stick to the school's uniform policy, we will be considerate to the needs of different cultures, races and religions. We will always act reasonably and sensibly in accommodating religious requirements, providing they do not pose a threat to security, safety and learning, or compromise the well-being of the school community.
This is inline with our school policy of not discriminating on grounds of gender, race, disability or beliefs.
Home to school travel
We encourage children to walk and cycle to school. We remind parents / carers and children of the need to be safe and encourage pupils to wear light colours and reflective materials whilst walking / cycling to and from school. For children cycling to school, a safety helmet should be worn.