Silver Birch
Silver Birch 2024-2025
Welcome to Silver Birch Class' Page.
Please use the links below to access the learning materials for Silver Birch Class.
These are updated each half-term to let you know what your child is learning about at school. Don't forget to have a look at our blog to have a closer look at what has been happening in class.
January's learning:
The children have been enjoying our topics in class and have learnt lots already about Ancient Greece. In science, we have been learning all about microorganisms and even had a go at making our own. Year 5 children also took part in a Nutrition Mission workshop this half-term where they found out all about what a 'healthy plate' looks like. Our Year 6 children have been getting very excited about their upcoming residential to Tower Wood in the next couple of weeks. Be sure to check our Showbie for photos of this great experience.