SEND Information Report
1. What are the kinds of special educational needs for which provision is made at the school?
Lever House Primary school is situated in Farington, just outside Leyland. It caters for around 310 children between the ages of 4 and 11 years. The school is housed in modern buildings, on its own spacious site, with extensive playing fields, playgrounds and car-parking facilities. We have recently completed a large long building project and the school feels very new. Our intake number is now 45 pupils each year.
All children and young people are entitled to an education that enables them to make progress so that they achieve their best and become confident individuals living fulfilling lives. At this school we identify and address the SEND needs of the pupils that we support. We will use our best endeavours to make sure that a child with SEND gets the support they need – this means doing everything we can to meet children’s SEND. We will ensure that children and young people with SEND engage in the activities of the school alongside pupils who do not have SEND.
At this school, provision is made for children with a range of SEND that can be grouped in four broad categories of need.
Communication and Interaction
Children and young people in this category have speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) which make it difficult to communicate with others. This may be because they have difficulty saying what they want to, understanding what is being said to them or they do not understand or use social rules of communication. Children and young people with ASC who are likely to have particular difficulties with social interaction, may belong to this category.
Cognition and learning
Support for learning difficulties may be required when children and young people learn at a slower pace than their peers, even with appropriate support and scaffolding. Specific learning difficulties (SpLD), affect one or more specific aspects of learning. This encompasses a range of conditions such as dyslexia, dyscalculia and dyspraxia.
Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
Children and young people may experience a wide range of social and emotional difficulties which manifest themselves in many ways. These may include becoming withdrawn or isolated, as well as displaying challenging, disruptive or disturbing behaviour. Other children and young people may have disorders such as attention deficit disorder (ADD), attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) or attachment disorder.
Sensory and/or physical needs
Some children and young people require special educational provision because they have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of the educational facilities generally provided. These difficulties can be age related and may fluctuate over time. Many children and young people with vision impairment (VI), hearing impairment (HI) or a multi-sensory impairment (MSI) will require specialist support and/or equipment to access their learning. Some children and young people with a physical disability (PD) require additional ongoing support and equipment to access all the opportunities available to their peers.
Slow progress and low attainment do not necessarily mean that a child has SEND and should not automatically lead to a pupil being recorded as having SEND. However, they may be an indicator of a range of learning difficulties or disabilities.
2. How does the school know if children/young people need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?
The school realises the importance of early identification, assessment and provision for any SEND pupil. If your child is identified as not making progress, the school will set up a meeting to discuss this with you in more detail and to:
• listen to any concerns you may have
• plan any additional support your child may need
• discuss with you any referrals to outside professionals to support your child’s learning/needs
Various strategies and assessments are used throughout the school to identify children who may have SEND. These include: baseline assessments, teacher assessments and specialist diagnostic testing (by external agencies).
Where a child is not making adequate academic, social or emotional progress, when progress is slow or restricted compared to others of the same age, teachers will make provision through planning of the curriculum. If children are still making insufficient progress, they will be referred to the SENDCo for early identification discussions/monitoring. If staff are unsure whether or not to refer a child as having SEND, the SENDCo will be consulted.
The school recognises the importance of this consultation with pupil and parent, and fosters this close partnership with parents to ensure best outcomes for the pupil. Any parental concerns are noted and acted upon, as are any school concerns which need to be brought to parent’s attention.
Other agencies with whom the school liaise with are Speech and Language (NHS), Occupational Therapy (NHS), CAMHS, School Nursing Team, Educational Psychologists (LCC), Specialist Teachers (Hillside Specialist School, Children’s Social Care, Medical Professionals including paediatricians, Teacher of the Deaf (LCC), Pupil Attendance Support Team, Inclusion Primary + team (LCC), Broadoaks Child Development Centre, SENDIASS (Parent support), Pupil Access, Pre-schools/Nursery and High Schools.
3a. How does the school evaluate the effectiveness of its provision for such pupils?
The SENDCo and SEND Governor meet on a termly basis to discuss any new SEND procedures that have come in to place, look at the Action Plan, discuss the number of children on the SEND register and discuss training needs. A full annual report is given by the SENDCo for the Governors focusing on data, training, progress and new initiatives undertaken. A shorter termly report is also shared by the SEND Governor to the FGB.
The action plan is reviewed each year and then a new one written with any whole school initiatives being part of this where appropriate.
Teacher assessments are monitored termly to track progress. Interventions are also monitored to ensure individual needs are being catered for through class interventions.
An important aspect of Annual Reviews is the child participation at some point in the meeting – we usually invite the child in at the end of the meeting to celebrate their successes over that year. Progress is discussed since the last review, set against the targets and new targets are created with all parties involved. Invitations are sent out to all the professionals working with that child to contribute in writing and/or attend the meeting (these are now back in person with option for remote if outside agency unable to attend in person).
3b. How will both you and I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?
Once a child is on the SEND register as receiving SEND Support they begin the ILP review cycle in partnership with the class teacher, parents and SENDCo. Included in the cycle are any of the following which are relevant; the views of the parents and child, outcomes as set out in the ILP, teacher assessments, PIVATS, Speech & Language Episode plans and evaluations, and recommendations from other professionals e.g. Educational Psychologists, Specialist teachers.
- Pupil progress is carefully monitored through; marking and feedback of class work, half termly assessments, Lancs Pupil Tracker, PIVATS (for those children working below National Curriculum levels).
- The SLT analyses data each term and progress of SEND children is monitored.
- Intervention programmes are discussed on a termly basis within Key Stage teams and with SLT.
- Individual Provision maps are created for children with an ILP to ensure all provision is in place and to allow us to evaluate the effectiveness of support in place.
- Termly ILP’s are evaluated to check if the targets have been met.
- Parents Evenings are held twice a year with the class teacher and a report to parents is sent out in July of each year.
- Children on SEND Support or who have an Education and Health Care Plan are invited each term to an SEND parents evening, where the ILP is reviewed.
- Informal meetings with parents and other professionals are held on a regular basis for pupils where necessary.
- In some cases, Home/School diaries are used.
3c. How will the school staff support my child?
How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s/young person’s needs?
The level of provision is individual to each child. If another professional has been involved their recommendations and advice will be considered as part of this. (See Local Offer on our website)
The Class Teacher
The Code of Practice makes clear that class teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of all pupils in their class, including any children with SEND. They check on the progress of your child and identify, plan and deliver any additional help your child may need (this could be things like targeted work, additional support) and they liaise with the SENDCo, if they require additional support.
Class Teachers write the Individual Learning Plans (ILPs), share and review these with parents at least once each term and plan for the next term.
They ensure that the school’s SEND Policy is followed in their classroom and for all the pupils they teach with any SEND.
When a child requires support over and above that which is provided in our curriculum, an ILP (Individual Learning Plan) is initiated and reviewed termly which clearly states the desired outcomes for the pupil. At this stage the class teacher remains responsible for planning, writing and delivering this individualised programme.
The pupil and parent are involved in this process. If despite this extra support, the child makes no significant progress over time then external support services and external agencies will become involved (a graduated response approach).
These services may include a local paediatrician/ school nurse, Educational Psychologist, Specialist Teachers and Attendance Officers etc.
These agencies offer advice, new strategies, and more specialist assessments.
Delivery of the interventions recorded in the ILP remains the responsibility of the class teacher (and TAs under direction of Class Teachers).
The pupil and parent are involved in developing the ILP with the Class teacher and/or SENCo at the termly meetings. ILPs are reviewed on a termly basis by class teachers, the child, parents and SENDCo (where necessary).
The ILP cycle is discussed in more detail at the termly parents evenings. This cycle means the staff will identify the extra support your child needs in order to make progress, put the support in place and regularly check how well it is working so we can change the amount or kind of support we need to.
The school will draw up a plan, involving you and your child focusing on the outcomes your child needs and wants to achieve and give details of how the school will support them to achieve these.
Teaching Assistants
Teaching Assistants work with the class teacher and the SENDCo to deliver pupil progress and narrow gaps in performance. Responsibility for the progress of a child with SEND should always rest with the teacher. TAs are part of a package of support for the children with the class/Key Stage phase.
3d. How does the school adapt the curriculum and learning environment for pupils with special educational needs?
Learning Environment
The school provides
- A single storey building which has wheelchair accessibility.
- One disabled parking space in the main car park and 2 on the main road.
- We have one disabled toilet with a changing bed.
- All pupils have access to the different areas within school without experiencing barriers caused by steps, doorways or stairs.
- The size for areas within and outside the school allows access for all pupils.
- Pathways of travel around the school site and parking arrangements are safe and the routes are easy to follow and are well signed.
- Signage and non-visual guides do not confuse pupils who may have visual impairment or other difficulties.
- All areas of the school are well lit.
- Background noise is reduced to a minimum, particularly in areas used by pupils with hearing impairments. Recent building work has allowed us to close off classrooms areas better, reducing noise of ‘passing traffic’.
- Furniture and equipment is carefully selected, adjusted and located appropriately.
- Information on the school and our policies are available to read on the school website.
- Each year we hold an induction evening with ‘Welcome starter packs’ for our new children – the SENDCo attends this and is available for any families that wish to discuss their child’s needs. We visit the nurseries of any children with SEND to get to know the children and to plan a smooth transition package for the new starter.
- We email/publish monthly newsletters, half termly class topic home learning activities, home – school diaries for some children, twice yearly parents evenings, annual end of year reports, progress meetings with SENDCo, Early Help Assessment meetings/ TAF meetings and calls to home when necessary.
- We have an open door policy for staff to be contacted – all teacher email address are available on the school website.
- All aspects of the curriculum are designed to allow the teacher and all pupils to respond positively to each other.
- The curriculum is carefully planned and supported with scaffolds, where appropriate, to meet the needs of all pupils.
- The curriculum gives prominence to high expectations and quality for all pupils.
- Individual pupils can be supported in flexible groups.
- Specialised equipment is made available for those pupils who may require it and they are encouraged to use it.
- School visits and after school clubs are made accessible to all pupils, irrespective of attainment or special needs.
Test arrangements
Provision is made to support any child who needs it during assessment weeks/SATS. The SLT, alongside the Y6 teachers will submit requests to the DfE for external assessments. Modified papers are ordered from the Standards and Testing agency where necessary, and additional time is applied for, for those children who meet the criteria. Familiar teachers, SENDCo and/or teaching assistants will support the SEND children during these times and will undertake their tests in a familiar environment within a small group.
3e. How is the decision made about the type and how much support my child will receive?
We follow the process of “assess, plan, do and review” using the Code of Practice, to allow the school to address the needs of children within our school and plan for their needs using a graduated response depending on the child’s level of need.
The class teachers are responsible for meeting the special needs of SEND children and providing positive outcomes for them. The child is exposed to high quality teaching together with differentiation of the curriculum. If after the monitoring of their progress and development (see 3b) it is shown that they are working significantly below age related expectations, and additional to different support to peers is required, a child will usually be identified as having SEND.
SEND pupils may also be identified from concerns raised by parents or Health Professionals. A pupil giving cause for concern (learning or behavioural) would be referred to the SENDCo and involving the pupil and parent, decisions would be made as to how best to meet the needs of the pupil.
From the Standards and Testing Agency, the school will follow, each year, ‘Guidance for teachers and headteachers about how to make and use additional arrangements so that pupils with specific needs can take part in the key stage 2 tests.’
3f. How will my child be included in activities outside the school classroom including school trips?
- All pupils are accepted in their own right in all aspects of school life, i.e. the curriculum, the school environment, its social life, extra-curricular activities and school trips.
- Risk assessments will be undertaken by any designated lead member of staff, e.g when leading an educational visit.
- The EVC (A Macleod) will support staff by recommending modifications which may include higher ratio of staff attending the trip.
- Parents are informed beforehand of the purpose of the trip and the activities that are undertaken when there.
In staying safe outside the classroom, the school ensures that:
- All educational visits are risk assessed and approved by the school’s Educational Visits Co-ordinator (EVC)
- All sporting events e.g. Sports Day, are risk assessed by the PE co-ordinator and SLT. At break and lunch times we have a combination of teachers, teaching assistants and welfare staff to support the children.
- The school recognises that pupils at school with medical conditions should be properly supported so that they have full access to education, including school trips and physical education.
- Some children with medical conditions may be disabled and where this is the case the school will comply with its duties under the Equality Act 2010.
3g. What support will there be for my child’s overall well being?
When a child starts this school and has a medical condition, the SENDCo, Head teacher, class teacher and any other relevant staff will be involved in a meeting about this child. This may include a health professional (depending on the condition). If the medical need requires staff to be trained, this will take place with the relevant NHS support.
The child’s condition, needs and if appropriate, emergency details will be kept in the Office in the Care Plan file. Care plans are shared with staff and kept in a ‘red folder’ in each class room so that any cover staff can be made easily aware of medical conditions. If there is a food allergy a brief copy of the Care Plan is created (with the child’s photo on) to be kept in the Kitchen. These are also available in a red file in each class base.
School uses NHS Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy Services for a number of identified children.
School liaises with CAMHS and/or Broadoaks Child Development Centre after a referral has been made.
School also has close links with the School nursing team and they regularly attend meetings, give advice and support.
The SENDCo and Family Support worker also supports some children in a pastoral manner with each child being catered for according to their individual needs.
Please see the school Office website to view our Behaviour policy (leverhouse.net)
Some children will also have individual behaviour targets on their ILPs. These will have been discussed with parents and with the child and will be reviewed regularly.
Attendance is monitored regularly by the Office staff , Family Support co-ordinator and Headteacher, and letters are sent out accordingly. If there is an issue, parents/carers will be invited into school to discuss the matter. If the attendance does not show an improvement, the Pupil Attendance Support Team will receive a referral from school and a support meeting followed by plan will be treated for the family.
In compliance with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and associated legislation the Headteacher ensures that;
- Risk assessments are based upon the Lancashire County Council (LCC) model risk assessments and guidance.
- Risk assessments are carried out for any tasks/activities undertaken by staff, or third parties e.g. contractors, for whom they are responsible (this can be done either by themselves or delegated to another competent person)
- Risk assessments can be undertaken by any designated member of staff, e.g when leading an educational visit.
- Risk assessments are reviewed periodically (using appropriate timescales) or if anything in the workplace changes or there is new legislation.
- Risk assessments and any resulting safe systems of work are brought to the attention of their employees.
Risk assessments produced and implemented include those based on;
- School premises
- Educational Visits
- Individual pupils/ members of staff
- Coaches
- Healthcare plans
School staff are trained and refreshed in their knowledge and awareness of;
- Child protection and Safeguarding
- Health & Safety training
Identified staff are trained additionally in;
- The safer recruitment of staff
- First Aid including some paediatric trained staff
- Epi-pen/Anaphylactic training
- Administrering insulin for diabetes
All children in the school are invited to stand for election on the school council and other year group specific ‘leading groups’.
We have a range of sporting and non-sporting activities which are on after school – these change half termly. They are free of charge and usually run by school staff. All children are encouraged and invited to take part and an email invitation is sent home to parents for them to request a space if so desired.
We use a Full Value Contract to promote good behaviour and a positive learning environment for all. Children are actively encouraged to use positive social skills skills as discussed in PSHE sessions. Good learning (rather than attainment) is promoted and celebrated in our Learning Assembly on a Friday morning. We encourage all children to develop a Growth Mindset and set themselves challenging targets in all areas of the curriculum.
4. Details of the SEND Co-ordinator
Miss R Mullarkey is the SENDCo at the school and can be contacted on 01772 424268.
When a teacher identifies that progress continues to be less than expected, the teacher will work with the SENDCo to assess whether the child has SEND. The class teacher and SENDCo will work together in assessing, planning, implementing and reviewing progress.
The SENDco is responsible for:
- The day-to-day operation of school’s SEND policy;
- coordinating provision for children with SEND;
- liaising with parents of children with SEND;
- links with other education settings and outside agencies;
- liaising with potential next providers of education;
- working with staff to keep SEN records up to date.
5. What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?
What training have the staff supporting SEND had or what training are they having?
Miss R Mullarkey attends the LCC SENDCo Seminar meeting for SENDCos termly in order to keep up to date with local and national updates.
All the teachers and teaching assistants have been updated about the new SEN reforms and what it means for schools and their roles within school.
In order to maintain and develop the quality of teaching and provision to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils, all staff are encouraged to undertake training and development.
During appraisals, staff are encouraged to identify (for their professional development) training opportunities. These may be linked to SEND and met through in house training or specific courses.
All teachers and support staff undertake an induction meeting with the Headteacher on taking up a post. This can be followed up with a meeting with the SENDCo to explain the systems and structures in place (if working with a specific SEND child) around the school’s SEND provision and practice and to discuss the needs of individual pupils.
Other agencies with whom the school liaise with are Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, CAMHS, School Nursing Team, Educational Psychologists, Specialist Teachers (Hillside Specialist School & LCC Primary+ Inclusion Team), GHIST (behaviour), Inclusion Hud, Teacher of the Deaf, Audiology, Children’s Social Care, relevant Medical Professionals including paediatricians, Pupil Attendance Support Team, Parent Partnership, Pupil Access, CFWS, Pre schools and local High Schools.
Recent Training for staff has included;
ELKLAN training (SLCN)
Makaton training
SLCN updates – provided by NHS team
Medical procedure training
Training to deliver specific Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy programmes
Supporting children with ASC – through the inclusion hub
Exploring SpLD – INSET training from outside provider (May 2022)
6. How accessible is the school both indoors and outdoors?
- The single storey school provides wheelchair accessibility
- We have two disabled parking spaces outside school
- We have one disabled toilet with a changing bed and shower
- In the hall and all classrooms we have an overhead projector/sound system
- Each classroom has an interactive white board and sound system
- 1:1 iPads in place in KS2 which have many features to enhance accessibility.
- Increased staffing ratios are in place to ensure all outdoor areas (including our Forest School) are accessible for all children
- Information on the school and our policies are available to read on the school website
- We email out monthly newsletters, half termly homework grids, home – school diaries for some children, twice yearly parents evenings, annual end of year reports, progress meetings with SENDCo, Team Around the Family (TAF) meetings, and phone calls where necessary.
- Two members of staff are ELKLAN trained (SLCN)
- Some children have an individual visual timetables
Through our SENDCo, school liaises with the families to signpost them to specialist services, support them and discuss their children. Some specialist equipment may be used at home and school which ensures continuity for the child.
7. How are parents involved in the school?
The school operates an open door policy – you can meet a member of staff on the playground every morning. The teachers email contacts are available from the school website.
We run a very successful and popular Friends Organisation – contact details on the school blog/website.
We encourage parents to join in the life of the school as much as possible.
How can I get involved?
Please contact the school office for more details.
Who can I contact for further information?
The SEN Code of Practise places great emphasis on parental engagement. It suggests that where a pupil is receiving SEND support, schools should talk to parents regularly to set clear outcomes and review progress towards them; discuss the activities and support that will help achieve them; and identify the responsibilities of the parent, the pupil and the school.
The school recognises the importance of consultation with pupil and parents and fosters this close partnership with parents to ensure best outcomes for the pupil. Any parental concerns are noted and acted upon, as are any school concerns which need to be brought to parent’s attention.
The SENDCo/Teachers and Teaching Assistants often meet parents during transition procedures which are in place for a child starting at Lever House.
Pre school visits are undertaken by the SENDCo and /or Classteacher for any children already with an identified need. Taster sessions are held for the new starters in the summer term with additional visits/communication for any children that require it.
We operate an open door policy and a list of the staff who work in the school is available on the website and in the main entrance.
Appointments can be made with the class teacher then the SENDCo to discuss any issues.
Parents evenings are held twice a year and an annual report is sent home during the summer term.
ILP’s are reviewed termly and discussed with parents. Home /school diaries are used for some children where appropriate.
Parents are invited to workshop sessions eg. Phonics, reading and maths.
ILP review sessions enable parents to feedback.
Whole school Parental Questionnaires are carried out.
Parents with children who have additional needs may be involved with regular meetings about their child’s development. This is usually with the SENDCo, class teacher and/or teaching assistant and any other professionals involved.
The following staff can be contacted on 01772 424268
The Headteacher – Miss E Cooper
The SENDCo – Miss R Mullarkey
The SEND Governor – Mrs J Alty
8. The arrangements for consulting young people with special educational needs about, and involving them in, their education
During an Annual Review, where possible the child will come into the meeting towards the end, to explain verbally or pictorially what progress they have made, what are their likes/dislikes and what their current targets are. They will have completed the appropriate Pupil review paperwork, with support where required and updated their All About Me page with any changes.
If other professionals are working with the children, when they come into school they will always meet with the child to find out how they are getting on, what is working, what their targets are etc.
9. Any arrangements made by the governing body relating to the treatment of complaints from parents of pupils with special educational needs concerning the provision made at the school.
The parent should approach the class teacher first if they have any concerns about their child. The SENDCo is available to speak to by phone or in person. The school operates an open door policy; generally after school is a better time to speak in length to the class teacher.
Please see the school Office website to view our Complaints Policy (http://office.leverhouse.net/forms-policies)
10. How does the governing body involve other bodies, including health and social services bodies, local authority support services and voluntary organisations, in meeting the needs of pupils with special educational needs and in supporting the families of such pupils?
The Governing Body ensures that there is involvement with a large number of outside services and is working within the Local Authority guidelines to implement the SEND Reforms.
Currently the other support that some of our children receive from external agencies include; speech and language therapy, CAMHS, occupational therapy, specialist teacher (SEND), Educational Psychologist, children’s social care workers, Broadoaks Child Development Centre and Barnados.
11. What are the contact details of support services for the parents of pupils with special educational needs, including those for arrangements made in accordance with clause 32?
Lancashire County Council arranges for children and young people for whom it is responsible, and the parents of children for whom it is responsible, to provide advice and information about matters relating to the special educational needs of the children or young people concerned.
Other organisations and services that provide additional support and that are used by the school are:
- SENDIASS – Parental support
- Educational Psychologists
- Specialist Teachers (LCC Primary+ Team Inclusion)
- Speech and Language Therapists
- Occupational Therapists
- Physiotherapists
If you would like to discuss something about your child, please contact the class teacher in the first instance. The other members of staff such as the SENDCo and the Headteacher can also be contacted thereafter. If you are a parent new to the school, please contact the school to arrange a visit. School contact telephone number – 01772 424268
The Headteacher – Miss E Cooper
Responsible for:
- The day to day management of all aspects of the school, this includes the support for children with SEND.
- The Headteacher will give responsibility to the SENDCo and class teachers, but is still responsible for ensuring that your child’s needs are met.
- The Headteacher must make sure that the Governing Body is kept up to date about issues relating to SEND.
The SEND Governor – Mrs J Alty
Responsible for:
- Must have regard to the SEND Code of Practice and should oversee the implementation of the reforms and provide strategic support to the head teacher.
12. How will the school prepare and support my child to join the school, transfer to a new setting or to the next stage of education and life?
(Please also see Section 6)
SEND support includes planning and preparation for the transitions between phases of education (pre-school and High school).
To support transition, the school shares information with the receiving school or other setting the child or young person is moving to. Schools will agree with parents and pupils the information to be shared as part of this planning process.
The SENDCo and the Y6 teacher liaise with the special needs department at the receiving secondary school. If required, extra visits are made by the pupil to the receiving secondary school, sometimes with a TA. Parents are invited to liaise with the secondary school. All relevant paper work is transferred.
Each year we hold an induction evening with starter packs for our new children. Please see the school Office website for our school prospectus (leverhouse.net).
We visit nurseries to get to know the children, where necessary.
For children with a specific need e.g. ASD, a photo-book of key staff, places in school and information about routines may be given to fully prepare them for transition.
13. Information on where the local authority’s local offer is published.