Our School SENDCo is Miss R Mullarkey. She can be contacted at the school office on 01772 424268 or by email on rmullarkey@leverhouse.net
How do we help?
We are committed to allowing pupils to make the best possible progress they can make in all areas of their lives.
All our staff scaffold work so that each child has appropriate work which offers challenge and high aspirations to all.
However, despite the class teacher’s support and careful planning, some children have difficulty making progress (this may be academically, socially or emotionally). If this happens, we will provide additional help and support.
We will discuss this with parents and devise an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) or Individual Adjustment Plan (IAP) for each child. This is reviewed once per term by the class teacher together with the parents at a mutually convenient time.
For some children, the support they require may come from a referral to a relevant outside agency. This may include Speech and Language Therapy (SALT), Occupational Therapy, Lancashire Inclusion Service or CAMHS. This referral would take place after consultation with and permission from parents.
We will do this if we feel that a child is falling significantly behind their peers, and we feel that the child needs the advice and expertise from professionals not directly employed by the school. In a few cases where a child meets the LEA criteria for action, we will refer the child to the LEA so they can consider making a detailed diagnostic assessment. This will be fully discussed with the parents beforehand. For pupils who have a Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) the school will hold an annual, statutory review and meet all statutory requirements.
Access arrangements
The school has an Accessibility Plan and a Disability and Equality plan – both of these are available on our website.
The school is fully accessible for wheelchair users and disabled changing facilities are also available. There are two accessible parking spaces in front of the school.
Equality for all
We do not discriminate against any person in terms of disability – that is for both pupils and in terms of employment.
All pupils will be treated fairly and no-one will be discriminated against. This includes doing everything we can to ensure that all pupils are able to access the school building, information needed to be fully involved in school life and access to the school curriculum and learning.
In this way, all pupils will have an equal chance to learn to their maximum ability in all aspects of their school life.
Working with you
We value the help that parents can give us and appreciate them sharing any problems a child may have had previously or during their time with us. Should a parent have concerns about the progress of their child, they should, at first, discuss this with the class teacher. If there continues to be a cause for concern, then this should be brought to the attention of the SENDCO (Miss Mullarkey) or our family support co-ordinator Amanda Sarson (familysupport@leverhouse.net)
Complaints about the special educational needs provision made by the school should be discussed with the Headteacher (Miss Cooper). In the unlikely event that the Headteacher is unable to resolve the complaint, then the parent should write to the school’s SEND Governor (Mr G Hollinghurst).
If a parent would like a full copy of the SEND policy, it can be downloaded from the school website or obtained from the school office.
Any significant changes to the SEND policy will be shared with parents on the website.