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Silver Birch Blog

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  • Tennis with Sports Development

    Published 11/06/24
    Today was our first tennis session with sports development. We had a lot of fun learning key skills and now know the importance of ‘keeping our eyes on the ball’. The children are already excited for next week when we can start to apply o
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  • CO Workshop

    Published 10/06/24
    Today we had a visit from the CO crew who came to inform us all about Carbon Monoxide. At first we worked in groups to mind map everything we thought we already knew about CO and then looked more closely at our ideas. We learnt where Carbon Mo
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  • Charity Week 2024

    Published 07/06/24
    Well done to all of our wonderful Year 6 children (and their families) for putting on another successful Charity Week. It has been a fantastic week (weather aside) and it has been so lovely to see all the children pull together to raise money for suc
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  • Welcome back Silver Birch

    Published 05/06/24
    Welcome back Silver Birch! It has been lovely to see you all and catch up about your half term break. We have a very busy final half term – I can’t quite believe we only have a few weeks left. Please check out our class booklets for fu
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  • More air resistance fun!

    Published 21/05/24
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  • Parachute testing

    Published 21/05/24
    Today in Science we learnt all about air resistance and were given the challenge of creating the most effective parachute. We had to decide which variables we would change and keep the same to keep it a fair test
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  • Friction

    Published 20/05/24
    Today in Silver Birch we were learning all about friction. We were tasked with the job of testing materials which could be used to create brake pads for a child’s scooter. We tested how quickly the wheels stopped when on sandpaper, foam, w
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  • A huge ‘WELL DONE’.

    Published 19/05/24
    I would like to say a very big ‘WELL DONE‘ to all of our wonderful Year 6 cohort for their hard work and resilience all year. They showed great maturity and determination last week when they completed their SATs and we are all very proud
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  • Wonderful Home Learning

    Published 03/05/24
    Thank you to those who have been sharing their wonderful home learning with us all. I love seeing all of your projects. Please remember to either upload them to Showbie or put them in your home learning books. Children must bring in home learning eve
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    Published 03/05/24
    Just a reminder that as of next week our PE days will be on Thursdays and Fridays. An email was sent yesterday. Miss Mitchell.
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  • Creative Games in PE

    Published 03/05/24
    In PE, we have been taking part in lots of different creative games and have worked on groups to make our own games up. We had to think about different physical elements, how points could be scored and what the rules were. This week, we had a go at
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  • Gravity

    Published 30/04/24
    Today in Science we learnt all about gravity and how it pulls objects towards Earth. We tested the weight on items using Newton meters. Can you guess why they are called that?  
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